Silicon Web Costumer's Guild


Chapter events

Second Sunday of each month - SiW Board Meeting

(4-6pm PT, 7-9pm ET) SiW Board members meet via Zoom to discuss chapter business and plan activities. Members are invited to join (contact the chapter Secretary to receive a link). A summary is sent to members after each meeting.

Third Sunday of each month - SiW Members Meeting

(4-6pm PT, 7-9pm ET) Meet with your fellow SiW members via Zoom. Each meeting will start with chapter reports, announcements, upcoming events, a show-and-tell, and then features a program topic for the month. Check the Silicon Web Events calendar for detailed meeting agendas. Members receive a link via email prior to each meeting (contact the chapter Secretary if you have not received one.)

Featured events

Mar 9, 2025: Webinar - Inside the International Costumers' Guild Press - 1pm PT, 4pm ET

ICG Press The International Costumers’ Guild Press is the publication arm of the International Costumers’ Guild. Its mission is to publish long-form content, including books and monographs, on topics related to costumes and costuming. ICG Press Editor in Chief Philip Gust will discuss the ICG Press, its purpose, how it operates, and its recently published and upcoming books. This is your chance to find out what goes on behind the scenes to develop and publish new books, in furthering the educational mission of the ICG.

Apr 27, 2025: Webinar - Conservation and Care of Museum Costumes - 1pm PT, 4pm ET

Faux Fur Costume and textile conservator Cara Varnell presents an introduction to the conservation and care of costumes in museum collections, information about handling and storing your own vintage and delicate costumes, and advice about when to work with a professional conservator. Learn about this fascinating work from a professional conservator with decades of experience with textiles and costumes in museum around the world.

Here is the calendar of Silicon Web Costumers' Guild events.

To suggest adding a chapter event send email to:

Contact Silicon Web Costumers' Guild | ©2005-2022 SiW