Silicon Web Costumer's Guild

Join Us!

The Silicon Web Costumers' Guild encourages anyone with an interest in costuming to join. Did you know that you can be a member of SiW and another costuming organization? Members of other ICG chapters, as well as additional members of the same household, receive a substantial discount.

Looking for an inexpensive gift for your costuming friends or a young adult in your family? How about a membership in SiW? For the cost of two movie tickets, they receive an entire costuming community, and a costuming magazine too. Send this Gift Membership Announcement by email, with your special message.

You can also make a tax-deductable donation when you join or anytime to help us continue our educational programs.

What are the types of membership?

Silicon Web (SiW) is a chapter of the International Costuming Guild (ICG). If you have paid full price to become a member of another chapter (your Primary chapter), we offer a discount for you to join SiW (which would become your Secondary chapter). That way you don't pay the ICG dues twice.

SiW is an online chapter with no official physical meetings, though we do often meet at costuming events, and some members have held events in their local areas. If you join us, we have a Google Group where we discuss any costuming-related subject that someone brings up: techniques, books, upcoming events and conventions, or fabric/costume/accessory sales.

What does membership include?

How do I join?

To purchase a membership with the total already calculated, fill out the corresponding form below and select the "Add to Cart" button. You can make all your purchases at one time, by "continuing to shop" until your cart shows all the membership items you want to purchase. You can also make an optional donation for any reason by adding the amount of donation to the "Make a Donation" section and labeling the purpose before adding that section to your cart.  

Individual or Head of Household Membership


Additional Household Membership
(Each additional member at the same address. Enter one member at a time and then add to cart)


Non-Primary Chapter Membership
(If you are a already a member of another ICG chapter)

Primary Chapter: 

Make a Donation

Silicon Web Costumers' Guild is a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization. Please consider making a donation when you join or anytime to help us continue our educational programs. You can optionally indicate a specific purpose for your donation. Your donation may be tax-deductable. Consult your tax advisor about your specific circumstances. Your PayPal payment record includes your proof of donation.

Note: You can also send your donation by check or money order using this printable form.

Amount (US$): 

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